Primary Quest 1 : The Siege of Greilyn Beach
Drevin is the only companion you'll receive for this quest. He's only level 1, but he has a level 3 "brutal attack" power, and so he should be able to kill anything you come across in a single hit, provided he's using a melee weapon. It takes powers a while to recharge, so save his power for when you need it (such as at #4 and #5).
If you'd rather not travel with Drevin, then you can give your party the "wait" order (you might need to go to options->input->hotkeys to set up the hotkey for this party order). That will cause the non-selected party member to stand still and not move with the selected character. However, while you can solo all of the enemies in the tutorial, there are a few gates where you'll have to have Drevin with you so that you can continue. If you want, you can make "minor resurrect" Drevin's active attack. Then he'll follow along with you but not do anything.
Finally, during the tutorial, Drevin will make mention of his medallion. The medallion is Quest Item 1, and, as such, you'll only see it by opening your journal (by pressing "J") and selecting the "quest items" entry under the "lore items" tab. For a complete list of the lore items, see the lore items section.
Note: Your character will start with a hero's amulet and a hero's ring. These are just regular objects that can be worn or sold at any time. The hero's amulet isn't the same as Drevin's medallion.
Primary quest 2 prisoner of war

Delivering the basket is straightforward. Just exit Eirulan through the northern lift (#4) and follow the path to the outpost. Dryad guard Jera will even meet you outside and lead the way. However, you don’t have to follow Jera if you don’t want to. The quest isn’t timed, and so you can explore the area at your leisure, and perhaps run back to town and pick up a companion first if you think you’ll need one.
When you reach the outpost, you’ll find it overrun by Morden. Jera will rush in and get herself killed, and so it’ll be up to you to defeat the invaders. Killing the Morden will net you a Morden gate key (Quest Item 3), which you can then use to free the captive dryads in the outpost. Freeing the captives will complete the quest.
At the end of the quest, Warden Celia will show up, but she’ll still be suspicious of you, and so she’ll give you another task to complete -- primary quest The Morden Towers. But she’ll also give you the Eirulan Teleporter Activation Stone (Quest Item 4), which will allow you to use the teleporters in the area, and which will thus make your life much easier. Finally, Kirani (one of the captive dryads) will give you the dryad outpost gate key (Quest Item 5), which will allow you to go through the outpost’s northern gate (#6) and make your way to the towers. She’ll also give you some basic Dryad equipment.
Primary Quest 3: The Morden Towers
At the first tower (#1), you’ll meet a dryad prisoner named Nen who will tell you how to blow up the towers. Just destroy a nearby cage to create a cage fragment, then pick up and equip the fragment, then click on a campfire to light the fragment, and then finally click on the tower to light it on fire. The ammunition inside the tower will cause it to explode.
After destroying the four towers, return to Warden Celia in the Eirulan Prison. She’ll grant you your freedom -- sort of. You won’t be considered a prisoner any more, but you’ll still have the ring of submission around your neck. To get that off, seek out Taar in the Great Hall (generally east of the Prison). Taar will remove the ring and give you your belongings back (the hero’s ring and the hero’s amulet, plus a few other random items), but in the process she’ll discover that you have the plague, and that’s where the quest will end.
Primary Quest 4: The Plague
When you talk to Taar at the end of The Morden Towers quest, she’ll notice that you’ve been bitten by the animals of the jungle, and that you’ve contracted a mysterious plague. She won’t be optimistic about your chances of survival, but she’ll tell you about the restorative waters of the Elven Shrine (#1), and she’ll give you an empty vial (Quest Item 7) so that you might collect it.The Elven Shrine isn’t very big, and you’ll find a fountain at the southern end of its second level. When you click on the fountain, you’ll gain a filled vial (Quest Item 9), and then when you bring the vial back to Taar, you’ll complete the quest, and Taar will offer to join your party.
Primary Quest 5: The Dryad Exile Colony
When you talk to Taar at the end of the quest The Plague, she’ll ask you to deliver your filled vial (Quest Item 9) to the Dryad Exile Colony in the Eastern Greilyn Jungle (#1).There isn’t a lot to this quest. You’ll just have to fight your way to the colony. However, when you arrive there, you’ll discover that the dryads have already transformed, and that they’re now attacking an Azunite Scholar. You won’t need to protect the scholar -- he can’t be killed -- but you will need to kill the corrupted dryads. Once you’ve done that, the scholar will tell you a little bit about Valdis, Zaramoth, and Azunai, and he'll describe how Valdis has found the Sword of Zaramoth and now seeks to reconstruct the Shield of Azunai.
Completing the conversation with the Azunite Scholar will also complete the quest. The scholar will destroy the logs blocking the path to the east, allowing you to move further into the jungle, and he’ll drop some items on the ground for you. You’ll also receive a bonus skill point.
Note: If the Azunite Scholar doesn’t realize that you’ve killed all of the plagued dryads, and just stands there healing himself, then you’ll need to patch your game. See the downloads section for details.
Primary Quest 6: Leaving Greilyn Isle
you’ll receive this quest automatically after rescuing the Azunite Scholar from the plagued dryads at the Dryad Exile Colony in the Eastern Greilyn Jungle. Like in the previous quest, there isn’t much to do here. You’ll just need to fight your way through the Kithraya Caverns on your way to the Eastern Greilyn Beach. On the beach, you’ll quickly run into a strange red shard (#1), and you’ll receive a quest objective to destroy it. The shard produces frail shard souls, so concentrate on the shard and then mop up any remaining souls after it has been shattered.
Beyond the shard, you’ll meet up with the Azunite Scholar (#2) again. He’ll describe to you what the plague is really about, and he’ll encourage you to join up with the forces resisting Valdis. Then he’ll activate the nearby teleporter.
When you go through the teleporter, you'll find yourself in the Azunite Desert, at an outpost of the resistance forces. Talking to Captain Suzor there will complete the quest
Primary Quest 7: Secret of the Azunite Desert
Captain Suzor (#1) will give you this quest when you talk to her at the end of the quest Leaving Greilyn Isle. She’ll ask you to collect four stelae from the skath in the area (#2), and then use them to enter an Azunite Shrine (#3) and pick up the map found inside. So there isn’t anything complicated to do here. Each stela guardian is an elite, and each one will have some minions assisting it, but none of them should be difficult to kill, especially if you’ve been working on quests like Feldwyr the Blacksmith or A Family Heirloom. Between them, the guardians will drop the Stela of Sight, the Stela of Blindness, the Stela of Life, and the Stela of Death.
Note: You’ll have to talk to the first stela guardian, but no matter what you say, you’ll end up fighting it for the stela.
With stelae in hand, travel down to the bottom of the Azunite Shrine, and place the stelae into the four sockets found there (An Ancient Azunite Shrine, #5). Once you’ve done that, a silver mirror (Quest Item 21) and a map of the lost vault of the Azunites (Map 4) will appear. Picking them up will end the quest.
Primary Quest 8: The Lost Azunite Artifact
This quest takes place in the Lost Valley of the Azunites (#1). There you’ll find seven statues with mirrors and one “quest triggered statue" without a mirror. The first thing you’ll need to do is place your silver mirror (acquired at the end of the quest Secret of the Azunite Desert) into the hands of the statue that needs it. Then you’ll need to click on the statues to turn them so that the resulting beam of light resembles the pattern from the map of the lost vault of the Azunites (Map 4). An enlarged version of the pattern is shown above. When you move the statues into the correct positions, they’ll direct the beam of light into the structure in the center of the room, and it will open up to reveal a secret passage. At the end of the passage, you’ll find the Azunite Artifact (Quest Item 22).
When you pick up the artifact, an Ancestor of the Azunites will appear. The ancestor will claim that you are an Azunite yourself, and, moreover, that you are a direct descendant of the great Azunai himself. Then the ancestor will direct you to go to Windstone Fortress, where you might use the artifact to collect the “eternal flame of Azunai." Finally, the ancestor will disappear, but not before leaving behind a “big chest" containing some good loot, and bequeathing to you an extra skill point
Primary Quest 9: Windstone Fortress
Note: Inside the Windstone Fortress Vault, you’ll find some hexahedrons and sockets that you’ll need to bring together in order to open some doors. This shouldn’t be tricky, but if you get stuck, please refer to the map entry for the Windstone Fortress Vault.When you reach Windstone Fortress, you’ll find Captain Dathry (#1) at the northern end. When you tell him that you’ve come with the Azunite artifact, and that you’ll need to get into the vault (#2), Dathry will give you the Windstone Fortress outer vault key (Quest Item 24), and he’ll tell you to seek out his lieutenant, who has the other key that you’ll need.
The lieutenant is inside the vault (#3), but you’ll find that he’s been corrupted by the plague, and so you’ll have to kill him to gain the Windstone Fortress inner vault key (Quest Item 25). The inner vault key opens the door at #4.
Past the inner vault door, you’ll find the font of Azunite fire (#5). Clicking on the font will provide you with the activated Azunite artifact (Quest Item 27). Then you’ll just need to talk to Captain Dathry and enter the Temple of Xeria (north of Dathry) to complete the quest
Primary Quest 10: The Temple of Xeria
In the first part of the quest, you’ll need to kill all of the plagued soldiers in the Temple of Xeria. This should be straightforward, as the soldiers in the temple are the same as the ones you’ve been fighting in Windstone Fortress. Most of the soldiers can be found right next to the Azunite statue (#1), but you’ll also encounter some in the rooms to the east and west. Once the soldiers are dead, clicking on the statue will unlock the doors to the north (#2), allowing you to make your way to the exit from the temple (#3).In the second part of the quest, you’ll need to find and destroy one of those large soul shards, like the one you destroyed when leaving the Eastern Greilyn Beach. The soul shard is right outside the exit from the temple, but you’ll quickly discover that it is being protected by a three-headed giant trilisk. The trilisk is sort of a pain. Its tail can do area-affect damage (and it’ll probably land right where your spellcasters are standing), one of its heads (Vitalus) can cast a healing spell that will completely heal all three heads, and the other two heads will breathe poison.
To kill the trilisk, first concentrate your attacks on the Vitalus head (the middle one) to prevent it from casting its healing spell. Then just drink potions as necessary -- and activate as many powers as possible -- until all three heads are dead. Once that happens, the trilisk will explode, dropping some good items onto the ground, and you’ll gain the ability to attack the soul shard. It won’t take long to destroy the soul shard, and when it shatters, you’ll gain access to a portal that will take you to Aman’lu (and Act Two).
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