How the Rich Invent Money


Let me share with you an incredible tale my dad told me once.

 A poor man complained to God, saying, “how unfair life is, the rich man has it so easy but I have to slave away!” So God took the rich man and made him as poor as the poor man, and gave them both fishing rods.

So of course, both being poor, they start fishing. After the first day, the poor man catches 10 fish and sells them for $20 at the market. Happy, he decides to buy some veggies, some rice, and as a special treat, some meat too for his family and they have a grand night.

The rich man also catches 10 fish, but he sells 9 for $18. He eats the last fish with his family, but it’s not enough so they go to bed hungry. The next day he takes his $18, and offers a fellow $10 to help him fish. The next day he gets 20 fish ($40) and repeats the process. 

The poor man still buys some veggies, some meat, and remains the same. After some time, the rich man has saved enough money to make other investments and other business ventures.

So my point is, you have to be good with money, and you have to be willing to make sacrifices. Being good with money allows you to save precious time and maximize your opportunities.

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